How to set up jekyll blog

Posted by JongHyun on September 13, 2017

Let's make your own blog. It is easy to make blog when we use jekyll and github. Github have service that support representing the information included in github repository. This blog is also an example of github blog. Jekyll is tool which can make our static blog much easily. This package is based on ruby.

First of all, you need to make your own repository in the github. It will be easy to make your repository in the github site. The only important thing in this step is your repository name. You should make your repository name as Then github will recognize it and represet this on the website(same address with your repository)

Second, we need to setup jekyll. I'll assume you already install the ruby. Regardless of your OS, type this code into your terminal

gem install jekyll bundler
jekyll new your_blog_name # Replace it with what you want for your blog name
cd your_blog_name 
jekyll serve	
After typing jekyll serve, It will start to make your jekyll directory as a website. To see how it works, type localhost:4000 in your browser. Then you can see your own blog!

If you have some problem when you type jekyll serve, you can solve that problem by installing specific package which will be written on the terminal. In my case, there was issue like Could not find jekyll-paginate and Could not find jekyll-feed. After installing by gem install, This kind of problem will disappear.

Finally, the only thing left is uploading your nice blog to github.

git push	
After this command, you can see your website which have same address with your repository.